Infertility Patients-feel a lack of support
Infertility can be a very lonely and isolated process causing patients to feel very alone. Everywhere they look someone is pregnant and glowing! Inside they are feeling isolated and sad. Infertility treatment can cause lots of highs and lows. Not only are the patients giving themselves shots of additional hormones everyday, but they are also spending endless mornings in doctors offices and treatment rooms. This routine can get very tedious especially if it is not leading to success! Women begin to feel very alone and start to lose confidence in the process. Family and friend suppport is definitely needed during this time frame. Unfortunately many people do not tell their friends or family that they are going through this, so this only makes them feel more isolated and alone. The fertilty centers, fertility support groups and egg donor agencies become very important during this time. Sometimes they are the only support the women has. Fertility treatments are becoming less taboo and more people are opening up about their experiences to their family and friends. This is a good thing and we think it will help with increasing the patients level of support and overall experience.
Take a look at this article in the Medical News Today on this topic.