Infertility and Offspring Development
There always seem to be ongoing concerns that conception through infertility treatment may negatively impact the development of offspring. But a new study hopes to alleviate these concerns, after finding that children conceived through infertility treatment were at no higher risk for early developmental delays than those who were not conceived through such treatment.
With about 1.5% of all infants in the US are conceived using assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), prior studies have led us to believe that treatments like these could lead to developmental problems.
Overall, the researchers found there was no difference in the risk of developmental disabilities between children conceived via infertility treatment – regardless of ART or non-ART treatments – and those who were not.
Among children who were diagnosed with a developmental disability aged 3-4 years, the researchers identified no significant differences between those conceived through infertility treatment and those who were not.
Information courtesy of Medical News Today