Concierge Services
If you have found your own Carrier, but need help with the Screening and coordination process we can help.
Gestational Concierge
Your journey is uniquely your own and so are the services you may need. In addition to our full agency support, we also offer individual services for those who are embarking on an independent match but may need assistance.

Individual Concierge Services
- Pre-screening: Medical Record Review, National Background Checks, Psychosocial Review, Insurance Review, Home Visit, and more
- Cost worksheet discussion with the potential Carrier
- Attorney referrals and Coordination
- Ordering of Accidental Life Insurance and Loss or Organ Rider
Pre-Screening Process
- Medical Record Review - Record collection of past pregnancies (prenatal and labor/delivery), written approval from Carrier’s OB/GYN to become pregnant, along with most recent PAP lab results, are given to a fertility doctor in our network for initial approval
- National Background Check - required for the Carrier and any adult in their household
- Psychological Evaluation - initial phone evaluation performed by a licensed mental health professional in our network
- Insurance Review - if your Carrier currently has healthcare coverage (non-state sponsored) we hire a third party specialist who will review your plan to see if it can be used for prenatal and labor/delivery care for surrogacy

Discounts on Services
For intended parents who have identified a potential gestational carrier on their own but still want the full support of a surrogacy agency, we offer discounts off of our service fees.
*Some requirements apply