Cincinnati Egg Donor Compensation

//Cincinnati Egg Donor Compensation

Cincinnati Egg Donor Compensation

Egg Donation…..It’s Not All About Money

Egg donors are compensated for their time and efforts and service provided while donating. While compensation is an added bonus for donating, most young women who are interested in helping through donation, have a close friend or relative affected by infertility. These young women want to donate for altruistic reasons, and the compensation is often secondary. Compensations vary slightly depending on the area of the Country, but the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has guidelines that agencies and fertility centers are asked to abide by for ethical reasons.

Intended parents often have spent thousands of dollars going though fertility treatments before making the decision to work with an egg donor. Asking recipients to pay over the recommended guidelines may be unethical, further exposing the pain of infertility.

The Fertility and Sterility Journal (May, 2007) edition indicated that egg donors in the US received an average compensation of $4,217. Egg donors from the North West were paid an average of $2,900 while those from the North East received approximately $5,000 as compensation.

By | 2020-09-28T13:37:11-04:00 April 24th, 2015|Egg donor|